Packwood Haugh - day and boarding school for 4-13 year old boys and girls
Packwood Haugh - day and boarding school for 4-13 year old boys and girls

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Science project on display

Inventor of the Term

For the past few terms, the Science department has set a voluntary Scientist of the term project for pupils to produce a project on if they wish. Last term, pupils had the option of producing something on Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace or indeed any female Scientist they chose. As it was in previous terms, the work that was produced by those who took part was superb. It was imaginative, beautifully produced and evidence that the students really enjoyed doing it.

One of the reasons for the projects is that the ability to work independently and be able to perform your own research are such important skills. Our wish is to instil a love of learning and the projects received so far are evidence of this! This term we have set an ‘Inventor of the term’ project rather than Scientist of the term . Students can produce a magazine, model, poster or anything they wish on any inventor they like. For further details, please contact Mr Watt.